Dr Arnaud Nguembang Fadja

Profession: Head of Machine Learning

Research Department, Paragon semvox GmbH

Paragon semvox GmbH

Konrad-Zuse-Str. 19, D-66459 Limbach (Saarland), Germany

Tel: +49 (0) 6841 80 90 10 Fax: +49 (0) 6841 80 90 10

E-Mail: arnaud.fadja.n@gmail.com

Paragon semvox GmbH

Dr Arnaud Nguembang Fadja


On-vehicle Question Answering using LLMs

Goal: Develop, implement, and deploy a Question Answering (QA) system by training a Large Language Model (LLM) using a car manual. The system aims to provide drivers with real-time answers regarding car functionalities while they are driving.

  1. Task: QA about car functionalities
  2. Role: Project Lead
  3. Tools management: Jira, git, Bitbucket, Confluence, MLOPS, docker, Azure
  4. Libraries: Pytorch
  5. LLM models: GPT-3.5, LamMa2
  6. IDE: Visual Studio Code
  7. Implemented stages: Data acquisition, data process ML deployment as service on Azure
  8. Deployment: Deployment as a series project under development

Machine Learning Operations platform for driver behavior adaptivity

Goal: Develop a cloud platform based on the Azure platform. The platform presents an efficient space for automatic training, validation, testing, and monitoring of an ML model that is able to learn user preferences. The platform provides, Data Engineering, Model development, Continuous Development/ Integration, model monitoring

  1. Task: MLOPS platform
  2. Role: Project Lead
  3. Tools management: Jira, git, Bitbucket, Confluence, MLOPS, docker
  4. Libraries: Scikitlean
  5. IDE: Visual Studio Code
  6. Implemented stages: Data acquisition, data process, data versioning (DVC), Automatic training pipeline, ML deployment as service on Azure

Fruit Inspection System: YOLO-based Model for Identifying Defects on Plums Surface

   Task: Development of an artificial intelligence solution employing YOLOv5 and YOLOv8 algorithms to evaluate the quality of African pears, achieving mean average precision scores of 88.2% and 89.9%,       respectively, using a dataset from three regions in Cameroon. The deployed YOLOv8 solution, a pioneering intelligent system, operates on a web application for inspecting African plum quality.
   Role: Project Founder/Leader
  Tools management: Google Colab, Jira, git, Bitbucket, Confluence, MLOPS, Roboflow
  Libraries: Pytorch, Scikitlearn
  IDE: Visual Studio Code
  Implemented stages: Data acquisition, Data process, ML development, deployment on Roboflow
  Demo: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1At5CnaDXv4K1u3hSaorHaMJJSodk6GJj/view
  Deployed model: https://demo.roboflow.com/plums-0ucd7/3?publishable_key=rf_Jow5TwJ4d7VFcm2Eg5As8MrnR4F2
    Indaba 2023: https://openreview.net/group?id=DeepLearningIndaba.com/2023/Conference#tab-active-submissions

        - https://openreview.net/forum?id=uBPApDJPfn
       - https://drive.google.com/file/d/19rQQzdQmNKfFjxGm1IxUbEy13oA0sqq5/view

  To do: Intelligent Quality Assessment of African Plums and Deployment on Resource-Constrained Devices

Machine Learning system embedded in a smart assistant for learning users driving behavior

  1. Task: Build an ML model that is able to learn and adapt to a user-driving behavior
  2. Role: Project Lead
  3. Tools management: Jira, git, Bitbucket, Confluence, MLOPS, docker
  4. Libraries: Scikitlean
  5. IDE: Visual Studio Code, eclipse
  6. Machine learning Models: Skope rule, Random Forest, Decision Tree, Aleph, Neural Networks

Neural-Symbolic Systems for Identifying COVID-19 Patients in a Critical State

The aim of the project is to implement an AI model which predicts if a Covid-19 patient arriving in the hospital will end in a critical state and therefore will need intensive care. The model relies on a
Decision Tree, 3D Convolutional Neural Network, and Hierarchical Probabilistic Logic Programs.

Trip (sudden stop) Prediction in gas turbine using Decision Tree, Random forest and (Recurrent) neural Networks

  • Task: In this project in collaboration with other computer science and mechanical engineers, I was in
  • charge of designing and implementing an intelligent system for predicting a Trip (sudden stop) in a
  • gas turbine. We investigated different machine learning models such as Neural Networks, Decision/
  • Extra Trees, and Random Forest. 
  • Tools management: Trello, git, Bitbucket
  • Role: Scrum Master
  • Libraries: Sklearn, Matplotlib, Numpy, TensorFlow, Keras, Jupiter Notebooks
  • IDE: Visual studio code, TexMaker
  • Programming Language: Python, Latex
  • Machine learning models: Recurrent neural Networks, Decision/Extra Trees, and Random Forest.
  • Publication: The paper is accepted in the Journal of Computer Science and will be published soon

Identification of natural selection in genomic data with Deep Convolutional Neural Networks

Build a supervised Machine Learning for classifying genomic data that represent portions of genomic sequences of individuals belonging to a certain population. A Convolutional Neural Network is used to determine if the genomic sequences bear traces of a process of natural selection. Training performed on simulated data shows that the proposed model can accurately predict neutral and selection processes on portions of genomes taken from real populations with almost 90% accuracy.

  1.  Tools management: Trello, git, Bitbucket
  2.  Role: Machine Learning Engineer
  3.  Libraries: Tensorflow, Keras, Matplotlib, Numpy, Google Colab
  4.  IDE: Visual studio code, TexMaker
  5.  Programming language: Python, Latex
  6.  Machine learning Models: Convolutional neural network
  7.  Publication: The paper is published in BioData Mining journal
  8.   https://biodatamining.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s13040-021-00280-9

Integration of Deep Learning and Probabilistic Logic Programming: Explainable AI

  • Task: Build explainable AI systems by combining Deep Learning (DL) and Probabilistic Logic Programming (PLP).
  • Toolkit: Cineca, SWI-Prolog
  • Role: Machine Learning Engineer 6 Researcher
  • Programming languages: Python, C, Prolog, Latex, HPC Slurm
  • IDE: Visual studio code, TexMaker
  • Machine learning models: Neural Networks, Arithmetic Circuits, Hierarchical Probabilistic Logic Programming
  • Web application: Phil on SWISH. The manual is available here.
  • Publication: Two papers  published in the Machine Learning journal
  •   Hierarchical PLP: https://rdcu.be/cmCIA
  •   Liftable PLP: https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007/s10994-018-5750-0.pdf

Neural networks on FPGA platform

Task: The aim of the project is to implement different neural network architectures on an FPGA
platform based on Xilinx Ultrascale for real-time image processing applications. Performance, both in
terms of execution time and efficiency (accuracy) are compared with those running on a GPU-
based platform. The main objective is to use the FPGA platform as an accelerator for the inference
phase in Deep Neural Networks.
Role: Machine Learning Engineer
Tools management: Trello, git, Bitbucket, google meet
Libraries: Tensorflow, Keras Vitis AI
IDE: Visual studio code
Programming Language: Python
Machine learning models: Deep Neural Networks

Morphological Classification of selected medicinal plants leaf using Convolutional Neural Networks

Task: Build a computer vision system embedded in a mobile phone for classifying medicinal plant leaves.
Tools management: Trello, git, Bitbucket+Libraries: Tensorflow, Tensorboard, Keras, Matplotlib, Numpy, Google Colab
Role: Machine Learning Engineer and project manager
IDE: Visual studio code, TexMaker
Machine learning Models: Convolutional neural networks, AlexNet, VGGNet, RestNet
Publication: The work is published in the Journal of Computer Science

Defect identification in pharmaceutical and cosmetic products

  • Task: Build a computer vision system at the end of a product chain control that identifies and
  • classifies defects including particles of plastic/rubber/glass, fibbers; bubbles in pharmaceutical and
  • cosmetic products.
  • Role: Machine LearnignEngineer
  • Libraries: HALCON, Tensorflow
  • IDE: Visual studio code, TexMaker
  • Programming languages: Custom Halcon programming language, C++, Latex
  • Machine Learning models: Multilayer Perceptron, Convolutional Networks
  • Publication: http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2272/paper1.pdf

Fruits (date & Tomatoes) sorting with Convolutional Neural Networks

Task: Build a computer vision that classifies dates (good and lost skin) and tomatoes fruit
Role: Machine Learning Engineer
Tools management: Trello, git, Bitbucket
Libraries: Tensorflow, Tensorboard, Keras, PyTorch, CNTK
IDE: Visual Studio Code
Machine learning Models: Convolutional neural network, Faster RCNN

Development of research personal website using Ruby On Rails

  • Task: Design and implement a researcher's website
  • Role: Web developer
  • Tools management: Trello, git, Bitbucket
  • Platforms: Heroku, Amazon S3
  • Libraries and Frameworks: VueJs, Quasar, Ruby on Rails
  • IDE: Visual studio code, RubyMine
  • Programming Language: Ruby
  • Final product: http://www.arnaud-fadja.it/