Dr Arnaud Nguembang Fadja

Profession: Head of Machine Learning

Research Department, Paragon semvox GmbH

Paragon semvox GmbH

Konrad-Zuse-Str. 19, D-66459 Limbach (Saarland), Germany

Tel: +49 (0) 6841 80 90 10 Fax: +49 (0) 6841 80 90 10

E-Mail: arnaud.fadja.n@gmail.com

Paragon semvox GmbH

Dr Arnaud Nguembang Fadja




Intelligent Fruit Inspection System: Developing a YOLO-based Model for Identifying Defects on Plums Surface. This research focuses on developing an AI solution using the YOLOv5 algorithm to efficiently sort good and damaged African pears, which are vital crops for African farmers. The model, trained on a dataset of about 2900 African pear images, achieved a mean average precision of 85.1%. By automating the process of detecting and removing defective fruit, this technology has the potential to increase efficiency, reduce waste, improve crop quality, and enhance farm incomes for African pear farmers [.pdf]


Towards an empathic driving assistant: Explainable emotion recognition from driving context This thesis focuses on driver emotion recognition based on driving context, using techniques like Skope Rules or Decision Trees to predict emotions and infer possible reasons for them. The approach outperforms prior work with a higher AUC-ROC score (63.13% compared to 52.32%) and provides a valuable means of communicating the extracted reasons to drivers for feedback and model improvement. [.pdf]


Selected Medicinal Plants Leaves Identification: A Computer Vision Approach In this thesis, we investigate different convolutional neural networks and machine learning algorithms for identifying and classifying leaves of three species of the genus Brachylaena. The three species considered are Brachylaena discolor, Brachylaena ilicifolia and Brachylaena elliptica. All three species are used medicinally by people in South Africa to treat diseases like diabetes. From 1259 labelled images of those plants species (at least 400 for each species) split into training, evaluation and test sets, we trained and evaluated different deep convolutional neural networks and machine learning models. The VGG model achieved the best results with 98.26% accuracy from cross-validation. [.pdf]


Computer Vision for Segmentation and Quantification of Damage Surfaces on African Plum Fruits The thesis proposes an approach using deep convolutional neural networks with semantic segmentation to quantify the damaged part of the plum fruits, African pears vital crops for African farmers,  achieving an average accuracy of 61% on the test set by segmenting and classifying the spoiled plum image pixels. [.pdf]


Runtime configurable deep neural networks for power-efficient adaptive architectures The thesis explores, using Convolutional Neural Networks,  optimizing the training process, and implementing dynamic reconfigurability of the learning algorithm for efficient hardware utilization, aiming to match the allocation of resources to application demands in an efficient manner. It also considers techniques like approximate computing and content adaptivity to achieve power savings without significant loss in accuracy. [.pdf]



Web interface for managing permissions in a E-learning platform for high schools The main objective of the project is the implementation of an area dedicated to the management of user permissions: this area must allow school administrators assign/remove  permissions to users based on their profile [.pdf]


Development of a course management api for an educational platform based on ruby on rails This project aims to offer teachers and students a user-friendly and efficient interface for managing courses, lessons, and homework. [.pdf]


Web interface for managing school fees in an E-learning environment for high schools Implement functionality that allows users to view and manage school-related payments, including registration fees, tuition fees and examination fees. Users should be able to select payment methods and view payment history. [.pdf]


Implementation of a web interface for the evaluation of teaching activities and infrastructures in a high school e-learning platform The thesis aims to provide a dual contribution to this project, focusing on the front-end implementation of an interface for the evaluation of teaching activities and infrastructures of a high school and on the back-end design of the Diary, which once completed will allow you to monitor a student's academic and personal development. [.pdf]


E-learning platform for high schools: responsive interface for web tables on mobile devices The objective of this thesis focuses on the development of a responsive interface for web tables that are not adaptable to mobile devices, trying to optimise their visualisation by improving the user experience and the readability of the data. These properties are now fundamental for any application, given the constant increase of devices with different characteristics with which the user could access the platform. Translated with DeepL.com (free version) [.pdf]


Ruby on Rails API for digitising school fees in secondary schools The objective of this thesis is to design a database for managing school fees and payments in a high school within E-learning. [.pdf]


Convolutional Neural Networks for classification of genetic data [.pdf]


Analysis of genetic data using Convolutional Neural Networks [.pdf]


Application of Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN) for text classification of mathematical games” [.pdf]




Development of an Image Classification System based on Convolutional Neural Networks [.pdf]


Deep Learning Fundamentals: Building a sample website [.pdf]


Image classification with deep learning [.pdf]